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Every subscription requires at least one user, the owner. Users are identified personally by their email address, which serves as their username. A user can have various roles and rights within each subscription and may be a member of multiple subscriptions.

Filter List

Use the filter text box to filter the list of users.

Show vendor users

This checkbox will show users from the vendor. These users are by default hidden and they will not be accounted for as a user when it comes to user consumption for this subscription.

User administration

All users are listed, with the possibility to filter this list. Each user has a Role, that sets its user rights. img

The menu far right makes it possible to delete a user from the subscription. Note that the user is not deleted from Archeo as a whole, but only from this subscription.


User role

Archeo supports four predefined roles:

OwnerThe owner of the subscription. A subscription may have more than one owner, and an owner has by default the rights of the Administrator and AllMessageRights
AdministratorAn Administrator has by default the rights from AllMessageRights. The administrator has the rights to open the administrator UI and can administrate the service
AllMessageRightsThis role gives the members the right to see all transactions and messages for the subscription
UserThis role has by default no rights and the user groups this user is a member of defines its rights

User Groups

Select one or multiple user groups for this user. Go to user groups to se how to create and assign rights per group.